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New tools for group Admins to manage communities and reduce misinformation

Facebook announced that it's rolling out new features on Facebook, to help Group administrators to keep their communities safer and manage interactions and reduce misinformation.

The company has added the option for admins to decline incoming posts, that have identified false information by third-party checkers.

Facebook says this new tool will help admins prevent misinformation in their groups.

Meta is also expanding its ''mute'' functional updating it to ''suspend'', so admins can temporarily suspend members from posting, commenting, reacting, and participating in group chats, and more.

The feature is designed to make it easier for admins to manage interactions in their groups and limit poor interactions.

Also, admins can now automatically approve or decline member requests, based on criteria that they set up, such as questions required to join the group.

Groups 'Admin Home' page is being updated as well, to include an overview section on the desktop to make it easier for admins to review things that need attention quickly.

Facebook is also introducing a new tool to help admins who want to grow their groups and find relevant members to join the communities.

The option to send out invites via email has been added for admins. There are now also QR codes for Admins to download and share. When the code is scanned, you'll be directed to the groups 'about page''.

All these changes are implemented globally.

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