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Facebook Moments Will Let you Share Photos with Friends Privately

If you’ve ever taken a group picture at a party, family reunion, graduation, wedding, or other occasion, you’ve probably stood there holding a fake smile as the group took pictures using 8 different phones and cameras.

Everyone wants to have a copy of the picture, so everyone takes a picture on their own device. Facebook is trying to simplify this process with Moments, a new app introduced last week.

Moments is a photo syncing app that lets you upload and share your pictures with your friends, all using Facebook’s facial recognition technology.

Via Facebook Newsroom

Moments is a standalone app that can be downloaded from Google Play or the App Store.

When you take photos on your phone, you can sync them with the Moments app.

Moments will then group your photos based on who’s in them and when they were taken. The app uses Facebook’s facial recognition technology to detect who’s in each picture. By grouping by time as well as people, Moments aims to make it easy to organize your photos by event. For example, you can have a gallery for a weekend trip you just took with friends, for a wedding you just attended, or for a night out.

The main purpose of Moments it to be able to easily and privately share photos with friends. Will Ruben, the Moments Product Manager, commented, “You all want a quick way to share your photos with the friends who are in them, and get photos that you’re in back.”

Moments enables you to do just that. When you sync your photos with the app, it will ask you if you’d like to share those photos with the friends who are in them. Likewise, your friends can share the photos they took with you. Moments will group all of those photos together in a single gallery so you can easily see all the pictures from a particular time.

Moments gives you control over which photos to share, so you can keep the ones you don’t like to yourself. You can choose which photos from a specific gallery you’d like to share.

You can also choose which friends you want to share your photos with, whether it’s one person or a whole group. Friends who have the Moments app installed will get a notification within the app. Friends who haven’t installed it will get a private Facebook message inviting them to install the app.

Moments’ biggest value is likely in that it enables users to share photos privately. You may want to share memories with friends without posting them to Facebook for the world to see. Moments makes that possible. Of course, Moments also makes it easy to post the pictures you want to Facebook.

It also includes options to post your photos to Instagram and Messenger. Or, if you prefer, you can keep them private on Moments to browse through at your discretion.


Written by content manager Meghan Woolley

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