Allan Loumann Lissau

4. nov. 20163 min

5 Facebook Marketing Myths that Aren’t True

Marketing on Facebook can get complicated.
The internet is full of advice on how to improve your outreach and conversion rates.

Of course, there is no one single path to successful Facebook marketing.

Each business is different, and each page is different.

Different marketing strategies might achieve more or less success for different marketers. In order to be truly successful at marketing, you’ll need to test out different approaches and see what works for you and your target audience.

There are, however, some guidelines that work for almost everyone.

On the other hand, there are a handful of oft-repeated mantras that aren’t helping anyone. These myths are repeated in many different places, and unwary marketers trust them to be true. ShortStack, experts in social media marketing, compiled a list of the top 5 myths about Facebook marketing. These myths are unlikely to improve your Facebook marketing and may even hurt it.

1. Irrelevant content is hurting your organic reach

This myth rests on a true foundation: relevant content is important for any Facebook page.

You want to post information that your followers will find useful and that establishes your reputation as an expert. That doesn’t mean, however, that your Facebook page has to be 100% business-related all the time. You can occasionally post unrelated content that you think your followers will enjoy. But don't try to funny - not everybody

has your humour - stay focused. My best advise

2. You’re not posting at the perfect time

Although the time you post can have an effect on your post’s outreach, there is no single perfect time to post content to Facebook.

The ideal time will change over time, will be different for different brands, and will develop as Facebook updates their algorithm. You can ignore anyone who tells you the perfect time to post is always one specific minute during the day. Instead, test out different times and see what works best for your brand. Keep monitoring your reach, as you may need to change up your posting schedule every now and then.


3. You’re not posting enough/You’re posting too much

This is another factor that’s going to change for every Facebook page.

It’s largely dependent on the page’s followers. Some pages may see high engagement for multiple posts a day, while some might see engagement drop - if they post more than once a day.

Experiment a bit to see what works for your audience, and remember that posting high-quality content is always more important than creating the right number of posts.


4. Facebook isn’t putting brand posts in the news feed

There have been a lot of rumors that brand posts from Pages aren’t showing up in Facebook’s news feed. This, however, simply isn’t true.

If your brand posts don’t seem to be getting out to your followers, the problem is likely that your content isn’t relevant enough to your audience. Facebook’s algorithm favors posts that synch with users’ interests.

If you’re struggling to get your posts out there, you can try asking your audience what kind of content they’d like to see.


5. All of your posts should be images

It’s very true that images can help to draw in engagement; Facebook users like posts with a visual element. However, that doesn’t mean that every single one of your post has to be an image.

In fact, Facebook videos have been reaching the most users lately. That doesn’t mean that you should only post videos, either. Usually, the best approach is to have a variety of posts in different forms. Text posts might make more sense for your brand, and if the content is interesting, your followers will like them too.

